ngxlivesearch is an angular component which allows to prepopulate list of anything based on user’s input.
Data source
Component supports both - remote search url and local data.
You can use this component to populate data from remote server or local array.
- remote url for fetching data, searched text, limit and offset will be sent automatically.
- an array of objects which plugin will use for populating data.
defaultSearchOptions {
searchParam: 'name', // key name which will be sent to server or will be used to search in localSource. The default value is `name`.
interval: 400, // request cancel time, used to improve typing experience.
limit: 10, // maximum rows count that can be loaded at once.
seeAllUrl: null, // url of the `See all` link.
seeAllParams: {}, // params of `See all` url.
textOptions {
seeAll: 'See all',
noResults: 'No results',
placeholder: 'Search'
//To Do
Contributions are very welcome, please open an issue if you have troubles using component or have ideas on how to improve library.